

Feb 14

African Reference Library for Bee Health

ICIPE (African Insect Science for Food and Health) is a major international organisation based right here in Nairobi. Last November, Deputy President Ruto opened ICIPE’s new African Reference Library for Bee Health.

ICIPE works to:

  • fight pests and diseases of bees, such as the varroa mite and Nosema apis, which can cause the death of entire colonies, and prevent the dreaded Colony Collapse Disorder, which is decimating bee populations in Europe and the USA, from taking hold in Africa
  • breed queen bees which are resistant to disease, are better honey producers or more effective pollinators, tapping into the vast biodiversity of bee species in Africa
  • monitor trends in bee populations to spot early signs of pests or disease, and to take stock of the biodiversity of bee populations
  • train researchers at satellite stations in Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Liberia and Ethiopia to monitor bee populations and bee health across Africa
  • share knowledge about bees and beekeeping with farmers and researchers, serving as a hub of evidence-based information and raising the standards and productivity of beekeepers
  • test honey and other bee products for pesticide residues and quality, which will open up markets in Europe for African beekeepers.

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